About LifeStyles

LifeStyles’ story dates back to 1905, when Eric Ansell first started making condoms in Richmond Australia. Today, LifeStyles is a global leader in the sexual wellness sector, comprising of a broad range of condoms, personal lubricants, and other related products.

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Our Products

We blend our passion and purpose to make a difference in your lives and define Sexual Wellness in the most natural and sensitive way possible. Our range of products have been carefully designed keeping in mind the Wellness quotient and to create the near perfect intimate experience for you and your partner.

Condoms Brands






Our Brands

We manufacture and market 18 global, regional and local brands of condoms and intimate products. Our work extends to the social health market, as well. We supply our products to major government and social organizations so that consumers have access to the sexual wellness products they need, wherever they are.


People and Careers

LifeStyles’ story dates back to 1905, when Eric Ansell first started making condoms in Richmond Australia.

Today, LifeStyles is a global leader in the sexual wellness sector, comprising of a broad range of condoms, personal lubricants, and other related products. LifeStyles is one of the world’s largest condom companies, with leading latex brands such as...

LifeStyles Healthcare was created on September 1, 2017, when the consortium of Humanwell Healthcare & CITIC Capital purchased the Sexual Wellness division from Ansell.

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Beyond Business

LifeStyles transcends conventional barriers of business because we care deeply about the community and we believe it is our duty to facilitate inclusive growth. Our work in the community focuses on health-care, education, sustainable livelihood and sexual wellness programs.

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